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Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI) and the Organizational Effectiveness Inventory (OEI)


The OCI and OEI are powerful tools that will give you an in-depth understanding of the values and behaviours that drive your organizational mission. To accurately diagnose culture drivers, a tool like the OCI/OEI act as an "MRI", are used together, they The tools provide data.


Some brief facts about the OCI:


  • According to Human Synergistic's , the creator of the OCI, it is the  ".... most widely used and thoroughly researched tool for measuring organizational culture in the world.....[providing] an assessment of the operating culture in terms of the behaviours that members believe are required to 'fit in and meet expectations' within their organization."

  • The OCI measures four behavioural norms that the research shows are Constructive and increase effective performance and eight of the behavioural norms that are classified as Defensive and detract from effective performance.

  • The OCI consists of 128 questions and takes about 20 minutes to complete.

  • The OCI can provide a wide array of data that can be used to:

    • • Obtain quantitative and reliable data, illustrating the behavioural norms of the organization and sub-cultures

    • • Provide empirical data to support the need for a cultural change or shift 

    • • Specify the areas where culture change needs to occur

    • • Develop and define the language of culture and a vision for any necessary culture change

    • • Create the foundation for individual and organizational action plans to effectuate cultural change

    • • Evaluate impacts of organizational change efforts


The OEI provides insight into your organizations "climate" or "environment." Using the OEI in conjunction with the OCI provides you with the ability to:

  • Quantitatively measure and monitor key outcomes and causal factors and conditions

  • Determine the impact of organizational, team, and job level factors on effectiveness

  • Assess employee attitudes, motivation, and stress levels

  • Identify targets for changing and improving engagement and organizational performance

  • Identify levers for moving the organization’s current culture toward its ideal

  • Monitor the impact of organizational change initiatives and interventions


The OCI/OEI together will provide you with deep insight into not only the behaviours that are expected and valued within your organization but what factors help to drive the positive behaviours and what "levers" can be pulled to change unwanted behaviours that are negatively affecting your organizational success.


Organization initiatives

The Circumplex provides a visual illustration of the behaviours that are valued in your organization. It is divided into three styles:


  • Constructive

  • Passive/Defensive

  • Aggressive/Defensive


Most organizations have a culture with a various mix of the three styles. While it is important to fully understand why behaviours are valued in your organization, research indicates that cultures who place a higher value on Constructive behaviours experience more sustainable firm-wide success.  


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